Day 3 Post Op

Opaldog is doing so good!  Her bruising is gradually fading and her little bottom is slowly getting back to a normal size due to the decreased swelling.  She slept through most of the night last night and is doing great as far as pain management goes, she’s able to go the full 12 hours before needing the pain medicine.

We counted how many staples she has, just out of curiosity- 33.  Poor thing..

I had to leave the house today for the first time since she came home and although I was gone only a little after an hour, she tried eating her ecollar, not sure how she managed to do that, but this dog is so mischievous that I’ve stopped asking how she accomplishes things.  Hopefully she knocks that off when I have to return to work on Monday.  The last thing I need is for her to break her ecollar and mess with her incision.  Anyone have any tips on how to prevent that?

She has also started to show some interest in toys again, but only after our other dog started to chew on her favorite one.  She then bogarted it for the rest of the morning by using it as a pillow 🙂 IMG_2953

Author: opaldog

Our two year old boxer, Opal, had a rear amputation due to knee problems that could not be fixed surgically. Now we're navigating how to provider her with the best life we can to keep her active and healthy.

7 thoughts on “Day 3 Post Op”

  1. Goodness gracious Opal! You are one feisty pup! Eating yiur ecollar is a no no!

    This picture of you has me grinning non stop. I want to smooch that adorable mug of yours!

    Glad your pain is being managed. Even if younhave to twke pain meds a little closer together than 12 hrs..maybe’re still doing really well..really well!

    Looking forward to more great updates and adorable pictures!!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

    1. Feisty doesn’t begin to cover this dog! We call her our money pit because the hair had just grown back on her belly after being spayed when we had to do exploratory surgery because she had an intestinal blockage (she was a chewer as a puppy). Then not too long ago she sliced open her good back leg and had to have three staples that were later replaced with sutures. And between the surgery and consults with various vet clinics… She is certainly worth every penny though 🙂 Needless to say, with recovery from this surgery I’d rather go overboard and play it safe then leave too much to chance.

    1. Her ecollar is the standard plastic cone. Going to go to Petco this weekend to get her the blowup cone to add when we’re both away at work next week. Fingers crossed that works.

      Your poor Wyatt looks so miserable in that picture! 🙂

  2. She’s SO cute!! How about a doggy diaper along with the cone of shame? The kind they put on pups in heat. Maybe that would help … you could stitch up the leg opening?

    I was lucky enough to be home with Izzy for 10 days post amp. Had it done on a Friday and brought her home that night and didn’t have to go back to the office at all the week after. I was lucky and she didn’t try to mess with her incision at all.

    Hope everything goes well for your girl!

    1. I never thought about a doggy diaper! We’re going to invest in the inflatable collar and put it behind the cone of shame. HOPEFULLY one of them will prevent her from getting to her incision.
      Thankfully they were able to schedule her surgery for a week I was already on vacation, but I wish she would have been able to do it on a Thursday or Friday so I could have been with her longer, but I’m just thankful I’ve been able to spend her first few days with her.

  3. We do the Kong Cloud inflatable collar and standard jumbotron size clear e-collar and it works for our long nosed GSDS so something similar should work for Opal.

    So hoppy Opal is doing so well! Keep it up grrrrlfriend!

    Codie Rae and the Oaktown Pack

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